Pharma Focus America

Outsourcing in Clinical Trials: Optimizing Outsourcing Relationships for Mutual Success

Joab Williamson, Director of Program Management, Faron Pharmaceuticals

Tegen Winstanley, Project Manager, Catalent

This article explores potential strategies for cultivating effective outsourcing relationships in clinical trials, blending insights from a CDMO project manager, and a trial sponsor. It places emphasis on the power of collaboration, transparency, and mutual respect in driving success and accelerating pharmaceutical innovation.

Outsourcing in Clinical Trials

Clinical trials form the backbone of pharmaceutical development, acting as the proving ground where the safety and efficacy of novel medical interventions are thoroughly evaluated. These trials often present complex challenges in their design, implementation, and evaluation, leading to the development of a multidimensional ecosystem comprising various entities. Each entity brings unique expertise to the table, contributing to the intricate tapestry of the trial process. Within this web of interdependencies, outsourcing emerges as an influential strategy, allowing clinical trial sponsors to engage with CDMOs, Contract Research Organizations (CROs), and other service providers.

The choice to outsource services in a clinical trial setting is not merely a financial or logistical decision but rather a strategic consideration. It enables sponsors to tap into external expertise and state-of-the-art technology, enhancing their operational efficiency and focusing their internal resources on core competencies. At the same time, outsourcing providers enhance their relationships with sponsors, and have the opportunity to significantly expand their service capabilities.

However, to fully unlock the potential of outsourcing and optimize the value it brings, it is crucial to go beyond the transactional nature of the process and cultivate relationships based on mutual trust, transparency, and a shared sense of mission. This article, crafted by two authors from distinct vantage points – one as a representative of a Contract Development and Manufacturing Organisation (CDMO) and another from the perspective of a trial sponsor – delves into strategies for building, maintaining, and reaping the benefits of successful outsourcing partnerships in clinical trials. By bridging these two perspectives, the article aims to provide a comprehensive view of the collaborative dynamics that drive success in the complex world of clinical trials.

Understanding the Importance of Outsourcing in Clinical Trials: A Perspective from a CDMO:

As a CDMO, providing outsourcing solutions to clinical trials is how we learn of the latest pharmaceutical advances. As part of the outsourcing dynamic, we offer our extensive expertise and experience to sponsors who leverage that expertise to give themselves the best chance of successfully supplying their clinical trial. From the beginning of every relationship, a mutual commitment is to put the patient first. While this commitment is a common thread binding all collaborations, there are many aspects of service delivery which can be adapted to the size, requirements, and strategic focus of the individual trial sponsor.

The contrast between small pharmaceutical firms and larger corporations is noticeable smaller companies, given their limited resources, often rely on CDMOs, to contribute significantly to their clinical trial. By relying on our technical know-how, years of industry experience, regulatory expertise and global network, sponsors can focus their internal resources elsewhere. Often approaching us with less clinical trial experience and fewer resources, we work hand-in-hand with sponsors of smaller size to help understand and establish their clinical trial outsourcing requirements. CDMOs often find themselves fulfilling multiple roles because of their variety of service offerings.

The role of a CDMO tends to be more specific, but by no means less significant, when performing outsourcing services for larger pharmaceutical companies, as these collaborations are much focused. With considerable clinical trial experience, these sponsors often approach CDMOs with defined requirements in mind, knowing exactly what they seek from the relationship. Collaborations with large pharma often demand a high level of integration with systems, workflows and procedures, but can provide an opportunity for both parties to benefit from sharing best practices and continuous improvement.

Each collaboration has diverse needs and CDMOs need to be agile and adaptable in their approach, tailoring offerings to meet each sponsor’s requirements. Understanding the unique needs and challenges sponsors face CDMOs can often adopt a flexible model, ready to provide solutions, either comprehensive or modular, depending on the company size. To effectively execute these services and fulfil sponsors’ outsourcing needs, the establishment and nurturing of strong working relationships is key.

At the heart of each partnership is project management. Whether it's a complete project for a small company or a specific service for a large firm, CDMOs can employ a relationship-centric approach to project management with project managers acting as relationship builders. In my experience, this means forging a connection with the sponsor’s team from the get-go to understand their goals and concerns, aligning our efforts to their strategic vision. Once an initial relationship is established, transparency is crucial to achieving a successful collaboration. The project manager works to foster open and frequent communication with sponsors, providing regular progress updates and highlighting risks. Ensuring complications are tackled as a team and taking opportunities for lessons learnt are some of the ways project managers can encourage trust and mutual respect.

The outsourcing relationships we as project managers build, be it with small start-ups or multinational giants, are fuelled by transparency and respect with a shared purpose at the core - to bring safe therapies to patients. This shared purpose reinforces the importance of the works CDMOs do, fuelling commitment to uphold the highest quality standards, continually innovate to enhance offerings and ultimately provide effective outsourcing solutions that enable clinical trial sponsors to bring life-changing therapies to patients.

Effective Collaboration with Outsourcing Partners: Insights from a Clinical Trial Sponsor:

From the perspective of a clinical trial sponsor, partnerships with outsourcing entities such as CDMOs and CROs are a crucial component of their strategic outlook. These relationships are more than mere contractual agreements. They are the bedrock upon which we lay the foundation for our trials, and hence, they deserve careful cultivation, guided by the principles of mutual respect, transparency, and shared commitment.

One vital aspect that shapes these partnerships is the size and scale of the pharmaceutical company in question. For smaller pharmaceutical companies or biotech’s, these outsourcing partnerships often hold the key to their trial execution. With a typically limited internal capacity, they lean heavily on the expertise and infrastructure of their partners. In such cases, the outsourcing entities might handle multiple tasks, ranging from trial design and patient recruitment to data management and statistical analysis. The collaborative relationship, therefore, needs to be robust, resilient, and flexible, to accommodate the diverse needs and inherent uncertainties of smaller-scale operations.

On the other hand, larger pharmaceutical companies often leverage outsourcing to supplement their in-house capabilities. They may outsource specific tasks to multiple specialized entities, capitalizing on each partner's unique strengths. Given the larger scale and complexity, these collaborations require precise coordination, seamless communication, and diligent oversight to ensure harmonious integration with the in-house operations. Irrespective of the size, mutual understanding and aligned objectives remain pivotal, creating a partnership that is not just transactional but transformative.

Creating such a collaborative atmosphere with outsourcing partner’s calls for transparency in communication and operations. It means creating spaces for open dialogue, acknowledging, and addressing concerns, and appreciating the expertise that our partners bring. We have found that regular check-ins and performance evaluations help keep the partnership aligned and dynamic, allowing us to quickly address issues and adapt to new circumstances.

A cornerstone of these successful collaborations is the establishment and rigorous monitoring of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). These quantifiable metrics serve as the North Star, guiding the course of the collaboration and providing unbiased, tangible feedback on its effectiveness. Be it timelines, budgets, patient recruitment rates, data quality, or regulatory compliance, KPIs span across all critical domains. For these KPIs to serve their purpose effectively, they should be mutually agreed upon, directly relevant to the trial's objectives, and consistently tracked. Regular evaluations against these benchmarks not only provide an objective gauge of the collaboration's health but also act as early warning systems for potential issues. In the grand scheme of things, the insights gleaned from these metrics and the improvements they drive form an invaluable part of the partnership, contributing significantly to the shared mission of advancing clinical trials.

An essential element of this collaboration is the recognition of shared goals. We are, after all, united in our pursuit of advancing medical science and improving patient outcomes. Encouraging a sense of shared mission and celebrating the milestones together fosters a relationship that extends beyond the business confines. It is this deeply rooted sense of shared purpose that ultimately makes these collaborations successful and paves the way for future endeavours in clinical trial advancements.

The Synergy of Collaboration: Creating a Success Story:

In the narrative of clinical trials, the collaboration between trial sponsors and outsourcing partners often stands as a pivotal force, driving the breakthroughs that shape medical advancement. This intertwined relationship, rooted in shared dedication and synergistic expertise, facilitates a collective pursuit of pharmaceutical breakthroughs. It's the essence of such collaborations that weaves the success stories of innovative therapies reaching patients across the globe.

From the perspective of the manufacturing partner, the journey commences with absolute transparency. By providing a detailed insight into manufacturing processes, rigorous quality control measures, and possible risk landscapes, the partner effectively lays a foundation of trust. In response, trial sponsors should reciprocate with open communication regarding their expectations and concerns, fostering a dynamic communication channel conducive to early problem identification and resolution.

clinical trials

This collaborative journey is not confined to the realm of problem-solving; it extends to encompass shared learnings and ongoing process improvement. In an industry where innovation reigns, each interaction, success, or setback provides invaluable learning opportunities. Any unforeseen event in the manufacturing process transforms from being a roadblock into a valuable lesson that fortifies systems, refines protocols, and strengthens the partnership.

Alignment of goals and objectives stands at the core of a successful collaboration. When a manufacturing partner shares in the mission of the trial sponsor, it infuses an unparalleled sense of commitment and engagement. This mutual investment transcends transactional relationships, forging a bond that encourages exceeding contractual obligations and fosters a sense of genuine partnership.

Shifting the lens to the trial sponsor, collaborations with outsourcing partners mean acknowledging and appreciating their unique value. Each clinical trial brings its distinct challenges, demanding novel solutions that a team of diverse expertise can effectively create. By cultivating an environment of mutual respect, trial sponsors can empower their partners to contribute their unique insights, thereby amplifying the trial's problem-solving capacity.

The nurturing of these partnerships must be a continuous process. Routine evaluations, open discussions about challenges, and acknowledgments of success are crucial to maintaining a robust relationship. These evaluations serve more than administrative purposes; they act as drivers for positive change, enhancing efficiency and solidifying the bond of mutual trust and respect.

Collaboration in the realm of clinical trials is inherently dynamic. It calls for adaptability, a thirst for learning, and an unwavering commitment to shared objectives. As the landscape of clinical trials evolves, the relationships underpinning their success must evolve in tandem. While challenges may be inevitable, they transform into opportunities for growth with the right collaborative approach, strengthening the partnership and ensuring the smooth progression of clinical trials.

True success transcends the boundaries of delivering a product on time and within budget. It encapsulates leveraging collective expertise to drive innovation, safeguard patient safety, and contribute to the shared mission of improving global health outcomes. This comprehensive view of success stands as a testament to the transformative power of collaboration. It demonstrates how, through shared commitment and expertise, trial sponsors and outsourcing partners can form partnerships that not only meet but also exceed the multifaceted objectives of clinical trials.

In essence, the story of collaboration is indeed a success story. It illuminates the potential of collective expertise and underlines the premise that individual capabilities, while important, are magnified exponentially when synergistically combined. It underscores the idea that the innovative theories of today can, through effective collaboration, transform into the life-changing therapies of tomorrow.


The outsourcing landscape in clinical trials is dynamic, presenting numerous opportunities for growth and innovation. However, the key to unlocking these opportunities lies in the ability to build and nurture effective partnerships. As the pharmaceutical landscape evolves, the relationships between trial sponsors and their outsourcing partners must also evolve, adapting to new challenges and capitalizing on emerging opportunities. The success of clinical trials and the subsequent delivery of ground-breaking therapies to patients hinge on the strength of these partnerships, making them a cornerstone of modern pharmaceutical development.

By intertwining the perspectives of a manufacturing partner and a trial sponsor, this article provides a nuanced understanding of how best to build and maintain these essential relationships. The common thread tying these perspectives together is the belief that fostering successful outsourcing relationships is not a mere business transaction; it is a journey of collaboration, learning, and shared success. Together, we can unlock the full potential of outsourcing in clinical trials, accelerating the pace of innovation and bringing life-changing therapies to patients more efficiently and effectively.

--Issue 02--

Author Bio

Joab Williamson

Joab Williamson is the Director, Program Management at Faron Pharmaceuticals, a clinical stage biopharmaceutical company developing novel treatments for medical conditions with significant unmet needs caused by dysfunction of our immune system. Joab has a range of experience in pharmaceutical project management, holds an MBA and is a certified lean six sigma black belt.

Tegen Winstanley

Tegen Winstanley is an experienced Project Manager at Catalent, a leading global CDMO. Tegen has significant experience developing and building relationships with industry peers. The opinions and views expressed in this article are my own and do not reflect the opinions of my employer, Catalent. The following article is based upon my experience as an individual in the pharmaceutical industry and Catalent does not warrant its completeness or accuracy.

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